Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (here in after referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) outlines how Fortune Free Casino processes the information and personal data provided by you to efficiently manage our relationship. 

This Privacy Policy applies to our websites, applications, products, and/or services related to or without their own privacy policies (hereinafter referred to as “our services”). This Privacy Policy is intended to explain the data we collect and the purposes for which we process such data, the recipients of personal data, your rights regarding the collection, processing, and disclosure of such data, as well as other relevant privacy and security matters. 

All personal data provided by you, as well as the data we already possess, are processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and its provisions. All information is provided through one of the Fortune Casino websites (“the website”) or through other tools that Fortune Casino may occasionally provide. 

By confirming that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use this website and do not provide us with your personal data. 

The processing of personal data by Fortune Casino under this Privacy Policy is carried out in accordance with: 

  • the Maltese Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as “DPA”) (Chapter 586 of the laws of Malta) and all subsidiary legislation adopted or updated from time to time under the DPA; and 
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation” or “GDPR”). 

The DPA and GDPR will hereinafter be collectively referred to as “data protection laws.” 

Fortune Casino determines the purpose and means of processing personal data and is therefore responsible for data processing in accordance with applicable data protection laws. 



“Cookies” are small sets of data that are stored on the user’s device. 

Data Processor 

“Data Processor” is a natural or legal person, authority, institution, or other entity that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. 

Data Subject 

“Data Subject” is a natural person to whom personal data relates. 

Personal Data 

“Personal Data” means any information that allows the individual identification of you or relates to a specific or identifiable natural person. 

Usage Data 

“Usage Data” is information that is automatically collected through the website (or through third-party services used by Fortune Casino), including IP addresses, connection details per visit, details about the path followed within the website with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters about the user’s device operating system and/or IT environment. 


“User” is the person who uses and who, unless otherwise specified, corresponds to the Data Subject. 


Fortune Casino stores your personal data digitally on encrypted hard drives. 


Personal data held by us is protected by security processes and systems that comply with the highest industry standards. We commit to protecting personal data not only through quality and high standards but also through the best and most efficient application of the laws. We are committed to processing personal data only when there is a genuine and lawful basis for processing, based on one of the legal grounds provided in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 


You can provide us with your personal data by: 

Subscribing to our newsletter. 
Filling out contact forms. 

Processing based on our legitimate interests 

Legitimate interest arises when we have a business or commercial reason to process personal data. In such cases, we commit to protecting all your personal data and the manner in which they are processed, ensuring that such processing does not contradict your interests. 

Processing based on your consent 

Consent is not the sole basis on which we may or must process your personal data. We process personal data only based on your consent when we do not have another lawful basis (e.g., compliance with a legal obligation or legitimate interest) or if we do not wish to rely on another basis. If we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time in the same manner you provided it before. If you exercise your right to withdraw consent, we will consider whether we can process your personal data based on another lawful basis that does not require your consent. If possible, we will notify you accordingly. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing carried out before your withdrawal. 

To be clear, we want to emphasize that in limited cases when we do not have another lawful basis (e.g., legitimate interest), we will process your personal data based on your consent. 

In cases where we process data based on your consent (which we never assume but only explicitly obtain from you), you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time in the same manner you provided it. 

If you choose to exercise the right to withdraw consent (by writing to us at the address or email provided below), we will determine whether there is currently another lawful basis for processing your personal data (e.g., a legal obligation we are subject to) under which we are authorized (or even obligated) to process your personal data without your consent, and we will inform you accordingly. 

However, if you refuse to provide us with the necessary data required for the provision of requested services, we may not be able to provide you with those services (especially if consent is the only basis available to us). 

Additionally: Consent is not the sole basis allowing us to process your personal data. In the previous section, we listed various bases on which we rely when processing your personal data for specific purposes. 


We may be obligated to use and retain personal data to prevent losses and protect our rights, privacy, security, or the property or rights of other individuals, in accordance with our legitimate interests. 


We are obliged to retain your documents in accordance with our data retention policy. After the retention period, your personal data will be irreversibly destroyed. All personal data we store for service notifications will be retained until you inform us that you no longer wish to receive such notifications. 

We retain data for limited periods if necessary for legitimate business or legal purposes. We strive to protect information in our services from accidental or malicious deletion. Therefore, there may be delays when deleting something and removing copies from our active and backup systems. 


Notwithstanding other provisions of this privacy policy, your personal data may be disclosed to authorized third parties within or outside the EU/EEA if such disclosure is permissible or necessary according to data protection laws and/or other applicable regulations. These authorized third parties include, among others, companies within Fortune Casino, other parties and organizations such as law enforcement agencies, cooperating accounting and auditing firms, regulatory authorities, relevant bodies, and digital marketing providers. We may also disclose such personal data to organizations you have introduced to us, third parties you have requested, or third parties to whom you have granted permission to disclose your data or other third parties to whom we need to disclose your personal data to provide the requested products and/or services. The type of personal data transferred depends on the product(s) and/or service(s) you wish to receive. 

If such personal data needs to be transferred outside the EEA (European Economic Area), we ensure that all necessary and adequate security measures are taken. We may also disclose personal data to other companies within affiliated enterprises or subsidiaries, as well as business partners or successors of our company. The way data transfer outside the EEA is handled is described below. Your personal data will never be disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes (unless you have given your consent). 


Relevant data may also be disclosed or transferred (in compliance with data protection laws) to Fortune Casino employees and/or other units within Fortune Casino (e.g., for legal obligations) and/or affiliated units and/or subcontractors located in the European Union if it is relevant to any of the purposes listed in this privacy policy (including our service providers providing website functionality and/or the services requested by you). We only transfer personal data to provide the services requested by you or for other lawful reasons (including approved disclosures that do not require your consent). 

Any approved disclosures are made in accordance with data protection laws (e.g., all our data processors are contractually bound by the requirements of data protection laws, including a strict commitment to treat all information they receive confidentially and ensure that their employees/staff are also bound by similar obligations). These designated service providers (our data processors) are also subject to several other obligations (especially those provided in Article 28 of the General Data Protection Regulation). 

Your personal data will never be disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes (unless you have given your consent). 


You are aware that data transmitted over the internet can be transmitted across international borders, even if the sender and recipient of information are located in the same country. We are not responsible for any actions or omissions that you or third parties may have taken with regard to personal data before its receipt, including but not limited to transmitting personal data from you to us through a country with a lower level of data protection than that established in the European Union, and this can be done using any technical means (e.g., WhatsApp, Skype, Dropbox, etc.). 

Additionally, we assume no responsibility or liability for the security of your data during transmission over the internet, unless our responsibility is expressly provided by the applicable Maltese law. 


All reasonable efforts are made to keep all personal data we hold about you up to date and as accurate as possible. You may review the information we hold about you at any time by contacting us at the address provided below. If inaccuracies are discovered, we will make corrections and, if necessary, delete the data. Below is a detailed list of your rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws. 


Links provided by us to third-party websites are clearly marked, and we assume no responsibility for the content of such websites (nor do we imply any endorsement of them in any form) (including applicable privacy policies or data processing procedures of any kind). We recommend that you review the privacy policies of such third-party websites. 


Your personal data will be transferred outside the EEA or to other non-EEA countries only under the following circumstances: if you have explicitly consented to it, if it is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and Fortune Casino, or to comply with all legal obligations or requirements. 

In case of the transfer of personal data outside the EEA within Fortune Casino or to a Fortune Casino partner, we apply all necessary security measures to ensure the same protection and apply the same standards as within the EEA. You have the right to obtain a copy of these security measures by contacting us at the address provided below. 

Standard contractual clauses of the EU (EU model standard clauses) are used for data transfers, requiring the data recipient to apply the same standards it adheres to within the EEA. If data is transferred to the USA and the data recipient is registered under the Privacy Shield (a framework ensuring the protection of personal data), the same level of protection approved by the European Commission will apply to them. 


Fortune Casino is committed to providing you with the best possible support if you wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal data. In some cases, we may need to verify your identity before we can fulfill your request to exercise the relevant rights. 

Right to access your personal data Electronic copy of your personal data (portability) Correction of your personal data if incomplete or inaccurate Deletion or restriction of your personal data in certain cases, according to applicable law. 


Fortune Casino reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy at any time. It is recommended to periodically check this page and refer to the date of the last update. If the changes affect actions based on the user’s consent, Fortune Casino may request the user’s new consent to these changes.